X:1 T:A Riddle Wittily Expounded T:Riddles wisely expounded B:Bronson C:Trad O:D'Urfey, 1719-20, IV, pp.129-32 (emended) H: D'Urfey prints the tune in C| time throughout; Chappell, in his revision of it (II [1859], p.531), regularizes in 3/4, giving two beats to the last note of the first and third phrases, and changing the signature to G minor. Bruce and Stokoe (1882, pp. 76-78) profess to print from D'Urfey, but again in two flats, regularizing the timing in 3/4, and with four alterations in notes: D for initial A, e raised to f in the third bar, the third d in the same bar lowered to c, and the first A in the penultimate bar raised to c. N:Child 1 L:1/8 G:A M:3/4 K:Gdor % possibly Dphr with a natural e A BA | GG AB cB |[M:2/4][L:1/4] A B/c/ | w:There was a La-dy in the North Coun-try, Lay the [M:3/4][L:1/8] d2 dd d/e/ d/c/ | d2 z d dc | w:Bent to the Bon__ny Broom, And she had B2 d2 cB |[M:2/4][L:1/4] A G/A/ |[M:3/4][L:1/8] AB AG AB | G2 z |] w:love-ly Daugh-ters three, Fa la la la, fa, la la la re.