X:1 T:Bold Reynard B:Peter Kennedy, Folk Songs of Britain and Ireland S:Edwin Thomas Z:Peter Kennedy and Maud Karpeles F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs Q:1/4=100 M:6/8 L:1/8 K:F C|FFF AGF|BAB c2B|AGF GFE|F3-F w:A good ma-ny gen-tle-men take great de-light In hunt-ing bold Rey-nard, the fox_ CC|FFF AGF|BAB c2B|AGF GFE|F3-F2 w:For the ve-ry best food he does eat in the night And lives up-on fat geese and ducks_ c|cd_e dcA|G3-G2G/2G/2|GAc dc=B|c3-c2 w:In ash-pit or copse I did lie_And I lived an ex-traord'-na-ry rate_ C|FFF AGF|B3-B2B/2B/2|AcA GFE|F3-F2|] w:In pick-ing the bones of young lambs_Till the farm-ers they all me did hate_