%%scale 1 X:1 T:The False Bride I:Songs Of The West S Baring Gould Q:1/8=120 I:abc2nwc M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G d|A3/2 B/2 c d3/2 d/2 d|A3/2 B/2 c d2d|B3/2 A/2 G A A A|G3/2 F/2 E D2d|A3/2 B/2 c d d d|A3/2 B/2 c d2d|B3/2 A/2 G A3/2 G/2 E|D G2z2d|B3/2 A/2 G A3/2 G/2 E|D G2z2 w:I cour-ted a mai-den both bux-om and gay, Un-heed-ing what peo-ple a-gainst her did say; I thought her as con-stant and true as the day; But now she is going to be marr-ied! But now she is going to be marr-ied!