%%scale 1 X:1 %Music B:Patterson, D W, 1979, The Shaker Spiritual, Princeton University Press, New Jersey Z:Daniel W Patterson F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs T:Spiritual Relation C:Abijah Woster Q:1/4=91 %Tempo M:2/4 %Meter L:1/16 % K:Ab F4 |c2 c2 =d2 c2 |B2 (AB) c2 c2 |B2 (cd) e2 d2 | c4 c4 | w:Not all the gar-dens here on_ earth, with eve-ry_ fra-grant flow-er {B}c4 d2 c2 |B2 A2 B2 (cA) |F2 F2 d2 B2 |(cB) A2 B4 |B4 | w:Such beau-ty shows as Shar-ons_ Rose That blooms in Zi-*on's tow-er |:c4 |d2 e2 f2 f2 | e2 e2f2 f2 |d2 B2 e2 d2 |c4 c4 | w:The val-ley's lil-y is com-bin'd To feast each kind sen-sa-tion, (c3-d) e2 c2 |f2 e2 f2 B2 |A2 F2 e2 B2 |(cA) A2 B4 |B4 :| w:And_* brings to the labor-ing mind A spir-i-tual_ Re-la-tion.