%%scale 1 X:1 %Music B:Patterson, D W, 1979, The Shaker Spiritual, Princeton University Press, New Jersey Z:Daniel W Patterson F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs T:I've Set My Face For Zion's Kingdom C:Betsy Spaulding Q:1/4=106 %Tempo M:2/4 %Meter L:1/16 % K:G G4 |(GA) (Bc) (de) (dc) |B2 G2 A2 G2 | w:I've set_ my_ face_ for_ Zi-on's king-dom (GA) (Bc) (de) (dB) | d4 d4 | (GA) Bc (de) dc| w:Ho-*ly_ bright_ and_ glor-ious ******** B2G2 A2GE |D2G2 (FG) AF | G4 G2 :| G2 |D2 G2 G3 B |B2 G2 A2 GE | D2G2 (GA) BG |B2{A}B2 A2 w:Tho boister-ous winds may of-ten blow *********** (Bc) |d2 (de) d2 (BA) |G2 A2 D3 G | G3G GGBG |B2{A}B2 G4 |G4 |] w:To_ that bright_ home I'm_ bound to go ************