%%scale 1 X:1 T:My mother did so before me. F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs B:Songs of the West by S. Baring-Gould Book S:Taken from S Fone by Mr Sheppard 1885 M:2/4 L:1/8 K:D d| A F G E| D D D D|D D F A|d A zd| w:I am a brisk and bon-ny lass, a lit-le o-ver twen-ty, And A F G E|D E F d|c A B ^G|A A zA| w:by my come-ly air and dress, Of sweet-hearts I've got plen-ty. But d e f d|c d e A|e e d c|d2 A A| w:I'll be-ware of wed-lock's snare, Tho' dy-ing swains a-dore me, The d e f d|e c d D|F1/2 F1/2 G A F|E2 D z| w:men I'll tease, my-self to please, My moth-er did so be-fore me.