%%scale 1 X:1 T:The Red River Valley. F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs B:The Penguin Book of Canadian Folk Songs. S: M:4/4 L:1/8 K:F C3/ F/|A2 A3/ A/ A2 G3/ A/| w:From this val-ley they say you are G F3 z2 C F1/2|A2 F A c2 B A| w:go-ing; I shall miss your bright eyes and sweet G4 z2 c3/2 B1/2|A2 A G F2 G3/2 A1/2| w:smile, For a-las you take with you the c B3/2 z2 D3/2 D1/2|C2 E F G2 A3/2 G1/2|F4 z2 || w:sun-shine That has bright-ened my path-way a-while.