If you will answer my questions well,
Sing ninety-nine and ninety,
I'll take you off with me to dwell,
And you the weavering bonty.
Oh what is whiter far than milk?
Sing ninety-nine and ninety,
And what is softer far than silk?
And you the weavering bonty.
Oh, snow is whiter far than milk,
Sing ninety-nine and ninety,
And down is softer far than silk,
And me the weavering bonty.
Oh, what is louder than a horn?
Sing ninety-nine and ninety,
And what is sharper than a thorn?
And you the weavering bonty.
Oh, thunder's louder than a horn,
Sing ninety-nine and ninety,
And lightning's sharper than a thorn.
And me the weavering bonty.
Oh, what red fruit September grows?
Sing ninety-nine and ninety,
And what thing round the whole world goes?
And you the weavering bonty.
The apple in September grows.
Sing ninety-nine and ninety,
And air around the whole world goes,
And me the weavering bonty.
Oh, you have answered my questions well,
Sing ninety-nine and ninety,
I'll take you off with me to dwell,
And you the weavering bonty.
abc | midi | pdf
Source: Singing Together, Spring1968, BBC Publications
Identified as American.
The song is clearly related to a number of the Child ballads, but which one is the best fit? At the moment, I'm going for Captain Wedderburn, but all opinions welcomed.